Coop moved from Turks & Caicos in 1990 to New Zealand where be built the country’s first CATV system and then a chain of FM radio stations. Yes, some habits die hard! To start he tackled the behind the times TV reception technology with a series of publications putting him back in the publishing world. A select (very) few appear here. Read the Prologue first and then as you wish. Copies of his highly successful Asia/Pacific SatFacts monthly appear elsewhere in this Legacy Site.
In New Zealand Coop created a new trade association and a series of annual trade shows held in New Zealand and several Australia locations. This covered the period from 1995 to 2003. Within that framework, 15 one-hour satellite oriented TV programs were created and distributed via two different Asia/Pacific satellites as well as an Australian terrestrial network. Satellite enthusiast Alek Zapara (Western Australia) has rebuilt a selection of these programs which have been placed on YouTube. Follows his instructions for accessing those programs:
“Here is a simple tutorial to access the Sat TVRO Archive channel on YouTube.
Click on the link below. and it should/will open in your preferred browser.
Select Video from the tabs along the top.
This will show you all the content on that channel
Clicking on the content will active the play option.
If you wish to only share a specific video, rather than the complete collection, click on the share button below the playing video and this will allow you to either copy the link or forward it to individuals.
If you prefer to share separate videos on your main homepage this would be a good option.
Eg Arthur C Clarke interview
RB Cooper, 23B Bayside Drive. Coopers Beach 0420, New Zealand